The Coffeehouse
Our shop is spacious and brightly lit with two stories of seating. We have lots of different areas: the urban bar facing Broadway street, the open area with tables, the sunroom with counters and lots of plugins, our beautiful patio, the community tables by the fireplace, and soft seating on the mezzanine and under the stairway. Whether you’re meeting a friend or colleague, trying to study for a test, or do some reading with a cup of coffee, there’s a spot designed with you in mind.
In a time where “third spaces”, or gathering places other than home and work, are often hard to come by, Broadway has been a living room and a community space since we opened in 2010. We love to vibrant cross-section of our community that comes through our doors every day, and make it our aim to be great hosts.
Parking is available in the connected lot outside the Broadway Commons building, with access through 5th St. and Hood St. There is also additional parking in the gravel lot on the corner of 5th and Gaines.
Meeting Rooms
We offer three complimentary meeting rooms with the purchase of a beverage. The rooms seat a max of eight people, and are located on the mezzanine that overlooks the main coffee house space — look for the mural. You can reserve these online using the button below. A purchase of a drink or pastry from the Coffeehouse is required to use the conference rooms.